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       In order to carry out in-depth thematic education on studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech on “Integrating ideological and political work throughout the entire process of education and teaching”,Give full play to the educational function of Liaoning's "six places" red culture in the practical teaching of ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities to cultivate people morally,From November,The School of Marxism in our school follows the principle of “full participation of teachers、Wide coverage of students、The strength and work goals of “traveling to all six places”,With high recognition and strong support from school leaders,Carry out a series of practical teaching activities for ideological and political courses with the theme of “Pursuing the Red Culture of Liaoning’s ‘Six Places’”。

"The starting place of the Anti-Japanese War"

White mountains and black waters raise banners, red flames and green clouds flow through thorns

       Shenyang is not only the place where the September 18th Incident occurred、The place where the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army first emerged,At the same time, it is also the starting point of the Fourteen Years of Anti-Japanese War。

       December 5,Our school and the Shenyang “September 18th” History Museum signed a co-construction agreement for the practical teaching base of ideological and political courses of Shenyang University of Science and Technology。Geng Naiguo, Secretary of the School Party Committee、Dean Liu Fang of the School of Marxism and more than 50 representatives of teachers and students from the research group 188bet sportsbook reviewattended the signing ceremony。After the signing ceremony,Deputy Director of the Social Education Department of the September 18th History Museum、Associate researcher Ji Ning gave a lively lecture to all teachers and students titled "Looking back at the Northeast Anti-Japanese War and inheriting the red gene"、Insightful report。

"The Starting Place of the Anti-Japanese War" - "September 18th" History Museum

Signing Ceremony between the school and the "September 18th" History Museum to jointly build a patriotic education base

"The turning point of the liberation war"

Succeeded in the first battle between Liao and Shen Wei, and from then on he commanded his troops to fight against all odds

       November 4,The research team welcomes the morning glow in early winter,Arrived at the "turning point of the Liberation War" - Jinzhou。

       While visiting the Liaoshen Campaign Memorial Hall and Distribution Pool Battle Site,Teachers and students focused their attention、Listen carefully,Looking for the figures and deeds of revolutionary martyrs,Detailed history,Relive the great struggle。Follow the instructor’s singing-like explanation,In front of each cultural relic、In each photo、In each recovery scene... teachers and students deeply realized that revolutionary martyrs are not afraid of sacrifice、The heroic spirit of one after another and the feelings of home and country that regard death as home for the country and the people。

       Then,The study group revisited the inspection site of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s trip to Jinzhou - East Lake Forest Park,I have truly felt that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,The speed and temperature of urban development changes in Jinzhou,I deeply understand the spirit of the times with reform and innovation as the core。

“The turning point of the Liberation War”—Liaoshen Campaign Memorial Hall

"New China National Anthem Material Place"

Sadly asking where the green is in the Black Mountains, and the strong chants of blue blood and red rivers

       November 22,Xueyu sharp,The sky is gloomy。The third batch of study group consists of 30 teachers and students,Visited the Benxi Northeast Anti-Japanese War Historical Facts Exhibition Hall and commemorated the martyrs of the Anti-Japanese War。

       Study trip at Benxi Station,Let the teachers and students truly understand the spirit 188bet sports bettingof the Northeast Anti-Japanese War as an important part of the great spirit of the Anti-Japanese War,It is the source of strength for the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces under the leadership of the Communist Party of China to win。Teachers and students have collected a large number of relevant historical factual graphic materials,These first-hand materials will surely be enriched in future education and teaching of ideological and political courses。

"New China National Anthem Materials Site" - Northeast Anti-Japanese War Historical Facts Exhibition Hall

"The expedition place to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea"

Iron Bridge Baidu Expedition is the front line, Liaoshen Wanjia is the rear

       The Chinese People’s Volunteers crossed the Yalu River to fight 73 years ago,Dandong became the starting point for their brave battle。

       November 11,Study group consisting of 48 teachers and students,Not afraid of the early winter cold、Facing the cold morning light,Arrived at Dandong Memorial Hall to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,Relive the great "expedition"。This trip,Let teachers and students fully realize the great and far-reaching historical significance of this victory for New China,The great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea has also left a mark of progress in everyone's hearts。

       Subsequently,Teachers and students came to the Yalu River to visit the ruins of the Broken Bridge,Immersively experience the era of war smoke and artillery fire。Climb the mottled broken bridge again,Looking around both sides of the river,Today’s happiness and peace come from the blood sacrifices of our martyrs in the past。This trip to Dandong,It is a baptism of the soul,This is also our generation’s deep respect for the martyrs who fought bravely to strengthen the country 73 years ago。

“The Expedition Site to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea”——Memorial Hall to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea

"The Industrial Foundation of the Republic"

Who will lead the charge? Liaoning craftsmen are working hard

       December 8,A group of 30 teachers and students from the research group came to the China Industrial Museum located in Tiexi District, Shenyang。

       Here,Teachers and students have seen the epitome of China’s industrial development,I also feel the vicissitudes of history;I have deeply understood the difficulties of New China from scratch and 188bet online sports bettingthe predecessors were not afraid of hardships、The tenacious fighting spirit,I also deeply understand that the rapid development of China’s economy cannot be separated from modern industry,Then we have a deeper understanding of the importance of the party and the country’s implementation of the strategy of revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China。

       With the end of the visit,The leading teacher and the main leaders of the library discussed the matter of jointly building an ideological and political course practice base and reached a preliminary intention。

“Laiding the Industrial Foundation of the Republic”——China·Industrial Museum

"The birthplace of Lei Feng spirit"

Hold up a green umbrella while walking in the rain, and save someone in trouble on the way.

       November 24,Study group of 30 teachers and students,Come to Lei Feng Memorial Hall with the highest respect,Through on-site visit、On-site teaching、Revisit the oath of joining the Party、Sacrifice to Lei Feng’s tomb and other forms,Study deeply the spirit of Lei Feng。Teachers and students follow the instructor,Visited the theme exhibitions such as "Ordinary Life", "Great Spirit" and "Eternal Example",Listening attentively to the life story of Comrade Lei Feng。Through precious old photos、Yellowing books、One piece of real items,Everyone has profoundly gained inspiration in life from Lei Feng’s spirit,Absorbed the power of endeavor。

       To this point,The series of practical teaching activities of ideological and political courses with the theme of “Pursuing the Red Culture of Liaoning’s ‘Six Places’” also came to a successful conclusion。

“The Birthplace of Lei Feng Spirit”——Lei Feng Memorial Hall

Deeply dig into Liaoning’s red resources to empower the construction of ideological and political courses

       In recent years,The School of Marxism of our school has been committed to in-depth research on how to give full play to its own resource advantages and location advantages,Integrate the red resources of Liaoning’s “Six Places” into the education and teaching of ideological and political courses in colleges and universities,Deeply dig into the "rich ore" of Liaoning's red cultural resources,Translate the advantages of red cultural resources into the teaching advantages of ideological and political 188bet casinocourses in our school,In order to form a reference、Promotable teaching experience and teaching model,We have achieved more and more important results in promoting the construction of "big ideological and political courses" and practical education,And then strive to create new features of practical teaching of ideological and political courses in our school,Continuously open up a new realm of connotative development of practical teaching of ideological and political courses in our school。At the same time,In terms of educating people in “big ideological and political education”,Our school plans to take the great spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea as an important starting point,Deeply dig into the spirit of patriotism、Spirit of revolutionary heroism、Spirit of revolutionary optimism、The spirit of revolutionary loyalty and the spirit of internationalism。" and other rich ideological connotations,Guide all teachers and students in the school to consciously practice and carry forward the spirit of patriotic struggle in the new era,Use the Shenke humanistic spirit of constantly advancing with the times to cultivate new people of the era who will take on the responsibility of national rejuvenation。

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