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Dalian University of Technology-Shenyang University of Science and Technology special training class for improving the teaching ability of young teachers

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We spent the Mid-Autumn Festival in Shenke like this, it was very warm!

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Wu Xiyou, monitor of "Lei Feng Class", gave a special report on entrance education for the 2024 freshmen of our school

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青春铸军魂 微光映征程 | 报告!2024级新生请求入列!

Youth forges the soul of the army and the glimmer of light reflects the journey

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研学革命精神 追寻历史足迹|我校开展“文化润心”学思践悟实践活动

Study the revolutionary spirit and pursue the historical footprints|Our school carries out the "Cultural Moisturizing Heart" learning, thinking, and practice activities

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Teachers from the School of Marxism of our school went to Xiangtan University to carry out summer practical training activities

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迷彩青春 筑梦启航丨我校举行2024级新生军训动员大会

Camouflage youth and setting sail to build dreams丨Our school held a military training mobilization meeting for the 2024 freshmen

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The school has carried out solid research activities on the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea

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Our school carries out visits and study activities at the spiritual education practice base to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea

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The Department of Mechanical Engineering of our school and the library jointly held a reading sharing meeting on "Carrying forward the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea and gathering the power to forge ahead"

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The school launches a series of activities for the 2024 Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea Spiritual Reading Project

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我校举办“弘扬抗美援朝精神 凝聚奋进力量”主题读书分享会

Our school held a reading and sharing session with the theme of "Carrying forward the spirit of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea and gathering strength for progress"

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Our school carries out field study on "Learning the Spirit of Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea"

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The school held a report meeting on advanced deeds of "Learning the Spirit of Resisting U.S. Aggression and Aiding Korea"

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The school held a series of "First Lesson of School" activities in the spring of 2024

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The school held a signing and unveiling ceremony for a co-construction and co-education education base with the Shenyang Cemetery Management Center of the Martyrs to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea

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The school held a teacher-student symposium to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea

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Key teachers from the School of Marxism participated in the Wuhan University “Integration of Ideological and Political Courses in Universities, Middle Schools and Primary Schools” construction training class

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East China Normal University-Shenyang Institute of Science and Technology new teachers’ special training course to improve teaching ability

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Postcode: 110167 Tel: 024-31679767/31969585
Copyright © 2022 Shenyang University of Science and Technology
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