• 21
    Every drop of blood,Every blood donation is a tribute to life,They are all the continuation of love. Shen Kezi contributes "youth and blood" to build a bridge of hope. In order to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important letter on the Red Cross Society of China,Conscientiously implement the "About Further Promoting Free Blood Donation into Institutions、Entering college、Enter the enterprise、Notice of working in the hospital》,Improving the long-term mechanism for voluntary blood donation,Further play the main role of teachers and students in colleges and universities,Set an example for the whole society with practical actions。Our school organized and carried out the "Hot-Blooded Youth Dedicated to Me" voluntary blood donation public welfare activity from October 16th to 17th。Shen Kezi...
  • 16
    To celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of New China,Carry forward the Chinese sports spirit,Enrich students’ extracurricular life,Showing the energetic spirit of young people in the new era,Recently,The third "Welcoming Cup" campus men's basketball game of our school opened shockingly at the South Campus Basketball Court。Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee、Vice President Gao Hongzhen came to the competition,Kick-off for basketball game。7 teams from our school,A total of 49 basketball players participated,8 days of fierce competition,The participating team members welcome the "basket",Fight hard,Present a double feast of vision and passion to the audience。    
  • 10
    There is soil under your feet,Put down your phone with light in your heart,Carefully raise seedlings and roll up your sleeves,Careful weeding, spring growth and summer growth,Harvest in autumn and store in winter Plant a grain of millet in spring,Autumn harvest of thousands of seeds。Starting from May 1st Labor Day,The school organizes volunteers to plant eggplants at the South Campus Labor Education Practice Base、Chili、西红杮、Soybean、Corn and other crops,After nearly five months of watering and cultivation,On October 9,Finally the second Campus Harvest Festival,More than 600 people in charge of relevant functional departments 188bet online sports bettingand representatives of teachers and students participated in the event。Throughout the entire event,Shen Kezi actively participates in labor practice,Use lessons with teachers...
  • 08
    SYISTers preparing for the 2025 postgraduate entrance examination, please pay attention to the 2025 national master's degree enrollment and preliminary examination timetable. From October this year to April next year, which key time points should be paid attention to this postgraduate entrance examination "monthly calendar",Quickly collect postgraduate entrance examination tips    Official registration time for the 2025 National Master’s Degree Admissions Examination: October 15 to October 28, 2024 Every day from 9:00 am to 22:00 pm    Online pre-registration period: October 9 to October 12, 2024    Initial test time:
  • 01
    Hey,Did you know that Shenke, full of wisdom and vitality, not only nurtures countless talents, but also has buildings and landscapes that bloom with unique MBTI charm. Are you curious about what their MBTI "personality" is? Come and uncover this mystery together. Veil Bar 01 Teaching Building: ENTP   Keywords: Rigorous wisdom and pragmatism. Every floor in the teaching building is full of rigor and concentration. Every class is a journey to explore the unknown. He is like the guardian of the academic palace, leading the students to move forward steadily on the road of knowledge. 02 Library: INFP   Keywords: knowledge, ideal and struggle...
  • 29
    To vigorously promote the spirit of educators,Building Dreams and Education to Build a Strong Country,Create a strong campus atmosphere that respects teachers and values ​​education,Recently,According to the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education and the Liaoning Provincial Department of Education,Our school held an essay selection and selection event with the theme of "Vigorously Promoting the Spirit of Educators and Braving the Mission of Educational Power"。Activity once launched,Each teaching unit、Teachers from functional departments responded positively,Written carefully,Recommended by various departments、Expert selection by the jury,The final results are as follows: This essay selection event,Not only provides a platform for teachers to show themselves,It is an educational baptism that reaches people’s hearts。Everyone...
  • 23
    In order to fully implement the party’s education policy,Implement the fundamental task of cultivating moral character and cultivating people,Cultivation of socialist builders and successors with comprehensive development of moral, 188bet appintellectual, physical, artistic and labor skills,To live up to the times、The courageous attitude of forging ahead starts a new journey in the fall semester of 2024。According to the Provincial Party Committee Education Working Committee、Notice of the Provincial Department of Education on Organizing and Carrying out the “First Lesson of the School” Activity in the Fall of 2024 of “Keep in Mind the Earnest Entrustment to Rejuvenate a Powerful Country” and the school’s 2024 freshman entrance education series activities arrangement。Recently,The school specially invites the 22nd monitor of Lei Feng class、Wu Xiyou, lecturer of National Defense Education of Liaoning Province, came to the school to give a special report,Departments...
  • 20
        To remember history、In memory of the martyrs,Cultivate students’ patriotism and national spirit,Our school organizes teachers and students to carry out "Don't forget the national humiliation",Curriculum ideological and political education activities with the theme of "Strive for Progress"。This event,Aims to call on all teachers and students to clarify the responsibilities and missions of college students in the new era,Inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition and unyielding spirit of our predecessors,Contribute to the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation。    In order to ensure the smooth development of this ideological and political education activity,Carefully prepared by the teacher,Deeply dig into historical materials before class,General Thoughts on Politics and Education...
  • 18
    Accompanied by the coolness of early autumn, the young man took off his camouflage uniform and walked into the teaching building to welcome his first day of class. Today coincides with the 93rd anniversary of the September 18th Incident, and the first lesson of the 2024 class of freshmen has drawn a lot of attention. The never-fading "red" mark of the pen entered the clean and bright classroom, found a seat and sat upright in front of the podium,Teachers welcome every new face with a smile, the warmth of education,The temperature starts to heat up from now on. Before class, the teachers carefully prepared to carry out theme education activities around the September 18th Incident. Everyone sat upright and kept in mind "Don't forget the way you came.",The solemn oath of "knowing which direction to go" professional course study officially begins, students' spirit...
  • 13
    In order to implement the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the construction of ideological and political courses in schools,Effectively 188bet apkmake ideological and political courses truly become a new era for college students to "learn history and understand theory"、Study history and increase credit、Study History and Chongde、The main channel for studying history and practicing it、Main position,In recent years,Our school insists on carrying out the practical teaching activity of "thousands of people take the first lesson together" ideological and political courses。It is the 79th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War、On the 93rd anniversary of the September 18th Incident,The school organized more than 2,300 freshmen of the 2024 class to visit the "September 18th" History Museum,Taught them an “Thousand People’s Congress Ideological and Political Course” through on-site teaching...
  • 28
    Welcome to Shenyang University of Science and Technology, 2024 freshmen, come to No. 30, Quanyun Second West Road, to welcome the splendid campus life. Your story with Shen Ke will start from now on、Registration time and location 1、Registration time: August 31, 2024。    2、Registration location: Shenyang University of Science and Technology (No. 30, Quanyun 2nd West Road, Hunnan District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province) 2、Required materials 1、Admission Notice、College Entrance Examination Admission Ticket、Original and photocopy of ID card (3 pieces,And the front and back sides are copied on one page)、10 recent one-inch frontal photos of me without a hat (blue background)。
  • 19
    In order to further implement the Education Working Committee of Liaoning Provincial Committee、Liaoning Provincial Department of Education、Important instructions from the Liaoning Provincial Military Region on military training for new students,Complete the school’s 2024 freshmen military training tasks with high quality,Recently,The school organized a mobilization meeting for the centralized assessment of military training instructors in 2024 in the library lecture hall。He Dawei, Director of Student Affairs,Wei Fanlin, a teacher in the Military Teaching and Research Section of the Basic and General Education Department、Miao Yingming、Zhang Wenshu、He Yujiao and 60 selected retired college instructors attended the mobilization meeting,The meeting was hosted by Wei Fanlin, a teacher from the Military Teaching and Research Office。The conference opened with the solemn national anthem。Majestic...
  • 15
    In order to deeply study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on the construction of ideological and political 188bet casinocourses in schools,Learn from the excellent results and valuable experience of practical teaching of ideological and political courses in brother universities across the country,Effectively improve the political quality of our school’s ideological and political teachers、Business ability and education level,July 23 to July 29,The School of Marxism organized ideological and political teachers to go to Xiangtan University to carry out a week-long summer practical training activity。The theme of this training activity is “Leading the Construction of ‘Ideological and Political Courses’ with Xi Jinping’s Cultural Thoughts”,Teaching through theory、...
  • 03
    @2024 grade newbies,Colorful university life is about to begin,Are you in front of the screen looking forward to the upcoming Shen Ke little "food"??Today, Xiaoke will take you to visit Shenke Canteen,Let’s see which delicacies can make your stomach flutter ~ Pancake Fruit Spread the batter,Slow frying on iron plate,Spread the egg liquid,Sprinkle with sesame seeds,Put on the crispy ones、Vegetables with pasta sauce、Chopped green onion、Latiao、Chicken fillet garnished with Titian,This pancake and fruit dish that is unforgettable for Shenke people has been processed!Bite it in one bite,Crispy and soft and glutinous,Fragrant tongue,This is the taste of happiness。...
  • 28
    The love for Shen Ke is love at first sight, and the love for Shen Ke is unsatisfactory. As the camera freezes the fragments of the campus, they collide and intersect like an intoxicating visual feast. @2024 Xiaomengxin Welcome to Shenyang University of Science and Technology now,Let’s open the campus photo album and take a look at the super-city Shen Keyuan Huachen Yuexi,Scenery of four seasons with sunset and afterglow,Every frame of the charming and joyful Shen Ke's cycle of four seasons makes people deeply aware of the quiet and beautiful encounters of the years、It’s so addictive even when you look up. The school has spacious and well-equipped learning places. Experience the smart classroom full of technology in the teaching building and browse the vast collection of books in the library....
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